Monday, December 10, 2007

Youtube and SQL Server

A friend of mine is creating few computer educational videos to post on Youtube, its kind of cool. There are many free video sites which can be used to educate users. If we check Google there are many online searches for education videos specially related to computers and helping others is always a good thing.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Real Estate Search Engine Optimization

Another good page to learn about real estate search engine optimization, the one page foucs only on real estate services. Many sites are doing it on side or not providing enough information to do it by your self.

Visit it online real estate search engine optimization its on squidoo

If you wana learn more about SEO than there are some other sites as well to learn about search engine optimization.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

VMWare Training

Can we really use VMWare ESX server for database hosting ? I am personally not very sure so, starting the training to find out by my self. Many of my clients are using 8 way processing and as per my knowledge Virtual server only support 4 processor now the database which require optimization on 8 way processing how it will perform on 4 way processing. I will find out.